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Mannochmore 2008/2021 - ALIVE AND KICKING - Uncharted Whisky Co. (UWC)

82,90 €
(1 l = 118,43 €)
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


Volumen:0.7 Liter|Alkoholgehalt:54.5%|Nicht kühlfiltriert|Ohne Farbstoff

Uncharted Whisky ist ein junger unabhängiger Abfüller aus Schottland, welcher 2020 von Dana und Jack gegründet wurde.

Der ALIVE AND KICKING ist ein 13 Jahre alter Mannochmore

Tasting Notes

Nose: Pineapple, peaches, passionfruit burst onto the palate. Apparently my nose is a fan of alliteration. This super sweet and sumptuous whisky is vibrant and fragrant. A soft baking follows the fruit.
Palate: A depth of flavour hits the palate initially quite complex. As it begins to mellow and coats the mouth, individual flavours of peach, lemon and pear drops emerge. Plenty of pepper accompanies the cask strength. Subtle spices mingled with oak begin to emerge following the vivacious fruit’s main event.
Finish: The warmth and delicate stone fruit is left in the aftermath. A rich round mouthfeel suggests a touch of dried spice on the end palate. The word moreish springs to mind..

Inverkehrbringer: Sebastian Becker, deinwhisky.de, Zum Windpark 16, 14929 Treuenbrietzen